Written by Isaac Kolamide Ayetoro (4595525) , Choon Huei Wen (4595519) & Guligaina Adili (4596420) The aim of this blog is to present a story about persons who are at risk of homelessness in Australia , specifically persons who are marginally housed in caravan parks in Australia . HOMELESSNESS IN AUSTRALIA Homelessness is a continuing public policy issue in Australia and is now recognised as a ‘community problem’ . As defined by Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS] (2012), a person becomes homeless when they do not have appropriate accommodation choices and their current living arrangement: is in an inadequate dwelling; has no tenure, or if their primary tenure is short and unable to extend; or does not allow them to take control of, and establish any social relation of their own. In order to let people know more about homelessness in Australia, this blog will focus on telling a story about the social ...